Mining and Environmental

Mining, which is so useful for obtaining useful resources for man, if not carried out adequately, can enter into conflict with the conservation of the natural values of the area where it takes place. On the other hand, there are situations where the resource is located on sites of high interest for nature conservation. Therefore, in these situations, it is necessary to adopt prior, operating and subsequent measures. This way we can manage to minimise, mitigate, correct or compensate the effects on the viability of the species and habitats. Atlántida Medio Ambiente has professionals with knowledge of the sector, and proven experience in drafting documents linked to the mining industry and the natural environment. The services our company can offer our clients are focused on: Preliminary studies of the natural values in the area, Environmental Impact Studies of the activity, Drafting of Plans and Programmes of Biodiversity, and Implementation of the actions proposed.


Drafting of the 2011_Cobre Las Cruces Biodiversity Plan

Feasibility study for introduction and transfer of Anthemis bourgaei in the eastern quarry of the San Cristóbal mountain range

What our clients say

"The work carried out by the Atlántida team has covered all our requirements, delivering excellent results in good time and manner. The quality of their work has been exceptional".

Marítima de Sales

"Atlántida has highly skilled human and technical resources and the result of the work has been excellent".

Andaluza de Sales Marinas

Copyright © 2013-2024 Atlantida Medio Ambiente SL • Calle Alcalá de los Gazules, 1, Edificio CEEI EMPRESAS. Oficina 1.5. Polígono de Levante. 11011 Cádiz •

(0034) 956 977 526 y (0034) 673 766 136

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