Las Cruces is a Copper production mining project located in the province of Seville, in the south of Spain. The sole shareholder of Cobre Las Cruces, S.A. is First Quantum, a Canadian metal mining company based in Vancouver, specialising in copper, nickel, gold, zinc and platinum group metals. The mineral is extracted from an open pit, which was completed in 2009. The work carried out by Atlántida Medio Ambiente included revising and updating the Cobre Las Cruces Compensatory Measures Project, whose main aim was to develop proposals for environmental improvement of the mining area and its environment, making compatible the extraction activity with the conservation of the existing natural values.
Salt flats and sustainable employment.
Procedure for extension of Sea Farming and IEA for Tuna facilities.
Redacción de Estrategia de Gestión Integrada de Zonas Costeras en el Mar Menor y su entorno.
"Atlántida has highly skilled human and technical resources and the result of the work has been excellent".
Andaluza de Sales Marinas
Integrated Management of Coastal Areas (GIAL in its Spanish acronym)
"Atlántida has highly skilled human and technical resources and the result of the work has been excellent".
Andaluza de Sales Marinas
"The work carried out by the Atlántida team has covered all our requirements, delivering excellent results in good time and manner. The quality of their work has been exceptional".
Marítima de Sales
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(0034) 956 977 526 y (0034) 673 766 136